Log Splice

($5) per splice

The process of merging similar log curves from multiple logging runs in a well to construct a single composite set of curves can be time consuming. Let Wallace International do the work for you. We can provide log splicing services easily within 12 hours. A little longer for multiple wells.



The process of merging similar log curve measurements from multiple logging runs in a well to construct a single composite set of curves is called log splicing. It is stressed that “automatic” splicing is usually unacceptable because often a valid response from one RUN is replaced with invalid data from another RUN.

The Wallace International process begins by sorting the log RUNs and curves to be spliced in chronological and depth order. Another words, RUN 2 will be spliced to RUN 1, and RUN 3 will be spliced to RUN 2, etc. Log data provided by the Purchaser will ensure that the log curves contained in each RUN has been properly depth aligned (depth-matched). If not, then the outcome will be undesirable. Of course, Wallace International can also do the depth alignment work as shown on our E-Petro listing of services for an additional fee.

When overlap sections of logging RUNS exist, Wallace International will tie-in each subsequent logging run by comparing the log curves in the overlap sections. Each log from one service RUN will be individually spliced with logs from similar service RUNs. The spliced depth will be selected where the two curves reads approximately the same values. Splice depths will be selected visually. Every effort will be made to eliminate the “end & beginning” of a logging RUN at the splice between RUNs (i.e. the casing and the “before pickup” responses).

No tie-in will take place over intervals where no overlap exists between successive logging runs and where both open hole and cased hole log data is missing. The splicing of two open hole sections, therefore, often results in a gap between two logging runs. Wallace International can offer one of two options to fill in the gap. 1. Leave the gap as null data, 2. Construct a data line the fills the gap between RUNs. The Purchaser must let us know in the information section what is preferred.

To get started, simply enter in the number log RUNs to splice and the number of composite curves you want Wallace International to composite. This information will determine the cost for the work.

Next, go to the payment/data submission page to:

    • Enter your name, address, phone number and E-mail
    • Make Your Payment
    • Read the Privacy Policy and Click on the “Agree” radio button
    • Finally, Click and Drag your data files to the “click and drag” area located on the page.

(Accepted file types are: LAS and TXT).

Finally, enter any relevant information that you might deem helpful (including the log measurements you are wanting to be composited (spliced)) for the Analyst in the information section found on the page.

Wallace International can usually get your editing project back to you within 12 hours or less, however, if you have submitted a large amount editing then completion could take a longer. But don’t worry, Wallace International will get your project right, and completed as fast as possible.

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