This petro-commerce service is an inexpensive and relatively quick process to digitally capture (digitize) your log raster digital images and turn them into an LAS or TXT file with a turn-around within 24 hours in most cases.
(Larger jobs can take up to 72 hours).
Data Capturing (Digitizing) Services
($.30) per 100 curve-feet

Looking for an inexpensive and fast method to digitally capture (digitize) your log raster images and turn them into a LAS or TXT file? Then look no further!
Wallace International, LLC is standing ready to begin work now and turn your collection of PDF, TIF and JPEG log files into analysis software-ready digits (LAS or TXT file formats available). Wallace International can usually get your digitizing done within 24 hours, however, if you have submitted a large amount digitizing then completion could take up to 72 hours or a little longer if the project is quite large (greater than 100,000 curve-feet).
Make sure to type in the number of curves, the Top depth, and Base depth of the interval you want to digitize. Please let Wallace International know what curves you want digitized, (Example: ILD, ILM, SFL, SP, GR, RHOB, NPHI, CALI, etc.) in the information section on the payment/data submission page.
Once on the payment/data submission page:
- Enter your name, address, phone number and E-mail
- Make Your Payment
- Read the Privacy Policy and Click on the “Agree” radio button
- Finally, Click and Drag your data files to the “click and drag” area located on the page.
Also, let us know if you want the output in LAS or TXT format. Wallace International will digitize your raster images over your desired zone of interest at a 0.5-foot sample increment. The digitized output will be sent to your email via a LAS or TXT file.