Depth Alignment

($.45) per 100 curve-feet

Depth Alignment is a necessary step that must be taken to ensure the digital logs are all on depth. Our service provides you an inexpensive and quick turn-around process that will “tie” measurements to a reference log selected by you. An LAS file with the depth-corrected logs will be provided.



Significant problems can arise if your log measurements are not all “on depth” to one another. Especially if you are attempting any type of digital interpretation of the data. A one, two, or more feet off depth over a given interval can be difficult to deal with. Let Wallace International’s Data Management Team handles it for you. They have 30 years of experience in log data editing and management.

Our log alignment processing uses both block and stretch-and-squeeze methods to ensure we get the logs on depth to one another. You provide us which log measurement you want to use as the reference log. We will align the remaining logs to the reference log. Wallace International will output the depth aligned log measurements with a DS in front of each curve name (DSGR, DSRHOB, etc.).

To get started, simply enter in the Top and Base depth of the interval you want depth corrected and the number log curves you want us to shift. This information will determine the cost of the work.

Next, go to the payment/data submission page to:

    • Enter your name, address, phone number and E-mail
    • Make Your Payment
    • Read the Privacy Policy and Click on the “Agree” radio button
    • Finally, Click and Drag your data files to the “click and drag” area located on the page.

(Accepted file types are: LAS and TXT).

Finally, enter any relevant information that you might deem helpful (include the log measurement you want us to use as reference) for the Analyst in the information section found on the page. We will depth align all the other curves in the file(s). If different, then let us know which log measurements you want aligned.

Wallace International can usually get your editing project back to you within 24 hours or less, however, if you have submitted a large amount editing then completion could take a longer. But don’t worry, Wallace International will get your project right, and completed as fast as possible.

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