Privacy Policy

Wallace International, LLC Privacy Statement

Wallace International, LLC. (“Wallace” or “we” or “our” or “us”) are committed to protecting your privacy when you interact with us.

This Privacy Statement (“Privacy Statement or “Statement”) sets out the privacy practices for Wallace with respect to Personal and Business Data and Personal Information (which means any information that relates to, identifies, describes, or can be reasonably associated or linked with a natural person or Company) we obtain from and about individuals interacting with Wallace and its websites, mobile applications, and services. All Data that we collect, other than information collected in the employment context, is subject to this Privacy Statement.

Please read the information below to learn about the Data collected about you and from you and how it is used. We may revise this Privacy Statement from time to time and will do so by posting additions or modifications to this page. The most current version of the Statement can always be reviewed by clicking on the “Privacy Statement” link located at the bottom of our website.

Types of Data Collected
The type of Data we collect depends on how you use this website or interact with Wallace.

When you visit our publicly available website, we may collect the following types of information, including Personal Data and Business Data, from you:

  • Contact information
  • Well data, including wireline log information and data, and other associated well data needed to complete the services offered on this site
  • Feedback and reviews or request for support
  • Log files, information collected by cookies and similar technologies about the pages viewed, links clicked and other actions taken when accessing our website, which may be considered Personal Data under applicable laws.
  • Activities, interactions, preferences, transactional information and other computer and connection information (such as IP address) relating to the use of our website and our services

When you conduct business with Wallace, we may collect the following types of Personal Data:

  • Contact information
  • Financial and billing information
  • Event registrations and preferences
  • Feedback and reviews or request for support
  • Activities, interactions, preferences, transactional information and other computer and connection information

How We Use Your Data
Wallace collects and uses your Personal and Business Data you provide us for our legitimate interests as set out herein, or based on your consent (in which case we would ask you separately to provide your consent to a particular processing activity) through:

  • Personalizing information about our services
  • Personalizing your experience on our website, such as providing recommendations based on your industry or past behavior on the website
  • Providing services and products (such as digitizing, log editing and Quick-looks), and support to our customers, which may also be necessary for the performance of a contract with you
  • Other purposes disclosed at the time of collection or otherwise compatible with the above and applicable law

In instances where information is transferred to Wallace through a client data controller and Wallace is acting as the processor, the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or for our legitimate interest to provide the requested services to our clients. Wallace will assist the client data controller in complying with its legal obligations.

With Whom We Share Personal Data
Wallace, in most circumstances, will not share your Personal or Business Data with anyone. 

Wallace may disclose Personal Data in special cases when we have a good faith belief that it is necessary: (a) to conform to legal requirements or to respond to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements; (b) to protect and defend our rights or property; or (c) to protect the interests of our users or others.

Retention of Data
We will keep your Personal and Business Data as reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes for which Data is collected as stated herein; for as long as is necessary for the performance of the contract between you and us, if any; and to comply with legal and statutory obligations, such as those required by tax, trade and corporate laws. When we no longer need your Data for our purposes, we will destroy, delete or erase that Data or convert it into an anonymous form.

Choice You Have About How Wallace Uses Your Personal Data
We strive to provide you with as many choices and as much control as possible regarding the Personal Data you provide to us.

If you have questions, complaints or concerns regarding this Privacy Statement or wish to access your Personal Data, or update, change or remove your Personal Data, please contact, or send mail addressed to:

Wallace International. LLC.
Attn: Chief Privacy Officer
1612 Brazos Trail
Plano, Texas 75075

If you wish to opt-out of receiving marketing or other communications, you can either respond by contacting us by one of the methods listed above.

How Wallace Protects Your Personal Data

Wallace takes reasonable and appropriate measures to protect Personal and Business Data from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, taking into due account the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the data.


This website may contain links to or from other websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites. This Privacy Statement applies only to the information we collect on this Site or as otherwise described herein. We encourage you to read the privacy notices of other websites you link to from our Site or otherwise visit.

Children’s Privacy

This website is not intended for children under the age of 13. We will not knowingly collect information from website visitors in this age group. By using the Site, you represent that you are age 13 or over. If you believe that a child may have provided his or her Personal Data to us, please contact us using the contact information at the end of this Statement. In the event we become aware that we have collected Personal Data from a child under the age of 13, we will dispose of that Personal Data immediately.