Energy Industry Training For Individuals & Organizations

Technology is changing the face and the pace of the Energy industry. Workforce’s are varied and often constrained. Change is the rule, and few of the old paradigms apply. But one still does: the competitive edge in the energy industry goes to the company with the most informed, motivated and skilled people who can outproduce and outperform their competitors.

Wallace International, LLC helps individuals and organizations attain and sustain that competitive edge with our energy industry on-line and in-person training. Give us a call at (972) 386-4581 or click on the learning program of interest below for more information.

Its time to register for your next learning experience.

Customized Learning Programs Now Offered On-Line.

We deliver customized learning programs to you, our client. Our curriculum combines the highest standards of instructional design, innovative use of graphics, materials, and communicating expertise. We have proven methodologies for developing learning programs and we’re experts at developing products for global audiences.

Our learning programs cover a wide range of geoscience, reservoir, production, material science & corrosion and other energy-rated courses that span across the energy industry. Our instructors have several years of practical work and extensive training experience.

We emphasize integration across all necessary disciplines. Enough theoretical lecture is provided so that each student understands the science underlying the technology.

The theoretical lectures are followed with descriptions and examples of practical situations. Exercises and “pop” quizzes are based on real-world problems that students may face when they return to their work place.

In-Person Training Not Yet Scheduled.

To Register for a learning program or to just Preview an outline, please click on any preferred program listed below!

Geoscience & Engineering Technical Training Courses (Available Soon)

The course duration vary depending on the subject matter. Please click on the training course seen below for more details on Course outline, Instructor name, Date and Time of the course offering as well as the cost in US Dollars for each student.  Organizations that may have a group of students may qualify for a discount. Please email your group information to: