Heavy Oil Production and Steam Generators

Heavy Oil Production and Steam Generators

This course has been developed to give the fundamental basis for managing Steam Generators; mainly OSTG and HRSG boilers and associated On-stream and Down-stream equipment integrity through design material selection, operate phase, chemical treatment and inspection integrity.

On-stream and Down-stream equipment are maintained and operated to known standards so that they are safe, cost effective and reliable, and present a risk due to loss of containment that is As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).

The course will cover:

  • Impact of Inlet Separators Performance and Efficiency on Gas Quality and Water disposal
  • Different Types of Boilers and Steam Generators
  • Degradation Mechanisms of Steam Generators; e.g. Caustic corrosion and cracking
  • Case Histories of Boiler Corrosion Failures and Explosions
  • Proper Material Selection of Heavy Oil Production
  • Impact of Huff/Puff Operation
  • The use of K-55 materials in Heavy Oil Production
  • Corrosion Monitoring Locations
  • Rigorous assessment of HRSG boilers and associated upstream and stream equipment.
  • Overall assurance of integrity and compliance with requirements

More information can be found in the Services section of this website.

Class Information

Field: Materials Engineering

Instructor(s): Dr. Magdy Girgis

Current Registered: 00

Session Schedule

Start Date

25, Oct. 2021

End Date

27, Oct. 2021





— In Person/On-Site —

Start Date


End Date






Minimum of 5 people required